Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Yam 2!!!

Happy Birthday to ME!
Foster Mom threw me a birthday partay and made me wear a stoopid hat and bandana so I kept turning away from her when she was trying to take piktures. She gots me a Cuz, which is my FAV toy, a bag of Blue Bites Salmon and she made me a cake. The weimz got to have somez cake too butt in a nother room. She says something about me being a big girl now that I yam 2 and to be good, yeah rite in her dreamz...

Here I yam eating my cake in my silly owtfit:

I go nap wif my full tymmy now so bha-bye!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Happy Birthday Baby. That video made me all weepy.*sniff* It's just her sweet, sweet face. Are you sure you can't keep her? I wuvs Sara. and how much do I love you for letting her make a mess on your carpet. It's only your Birthday once a year and that's what steam cleaners are for. =0) Oh, and Caelan says being good is highly over rated. LOL
